Sunday, September 9, 2007


Oh my fair blog, how I have deserted you...

Work was extremely hectic this week, even with Labor Day off. I tried to rush my first project out the door because I treated it like a problem set...Unfortunately, I had to meet about 20 people to accomplish the first step of the project...and I wanted to do it in 3 days...when everyone was busy. On Wednesday/Thursday, I realized I couldn't do it since I hadn't met 20% of the people and hadn't even told everyone a procedure to execute...So I postponed it, with advice from my boss....apparently, it was the right thing to do...YAY!

"Real Life" is so different...dates are pretty much "flexible"...and in general, it's much more easy going...Also...and I totally did not expect this...but I haven't really done anything technical at work yet. At all. I've been using analytical thinking to figure out how to do projects, but I basically do project manager work. It's so weird...they gave me an office too...but...I hardly ever use it...maybe an hour or two a day...everything else is meetings and questioning people.

I hit my first animal last was quite sad...I was going like 60 on a narrow, dark highway at night...I saw a little fuzzy thing and slammed on my brakes from maybe like 1/8 mile away...I saw that it wasn't going to move since it was eating something that already got hit...and had it's back towards I turned to avoid it...and when I was going 5 jumped under my was a little fox or something...I dunno...I was sad...

My boss told me that she hit a bear once...similar situation, except she said she was driving and a wall of fur appeared and bumped her car...and ran away...she found out it was a bear because her family could tell that the poop the animal left on the hood of the car was a bear's...she said not to ask how they could tell.

I didn't end up going to the Brewfest, unfortunately...big "MUST BE 21 OR OLDER" disclaimers discouraged me...

I'm conflicted on how to spend my time after work...I'd love to do lots of stuff...but I'm so tired...I wake up at 530 everyday...I dunno...I'll try to get used to it quicker...

Also, someone at work this week saw me and said I looked like I was 12. Maybe because I had my new shoes, tidy laces, tucked in shirt, helmet, goggles, and backpack.

I think that's all I had to say...hopefully, photo posts will come soon!

Stay Tuned.

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